Japan is on the world's list of top five this year when disasters hit it throughly on March 11.

At 1:46 p.m. deep tremor began from the ground, buildings were trembling, people stopped their work and started to escape in an prderly way. Everything went on in a peaceful environment. This is a common scene in this island contry. However, the earthquake this time is not as usual. The earthquake caused widespread destruction across the country. A 10-meter high tsunami triggered by the tremor, swept inland in many places swamping everything in its path. The magnitude of the initial quake is 8.9 and it struck just off the coast of Japan's main island of Honshu.This is one of the five biggest earthquake in the world since 1990.

In addition to the natural disaster, a nuclear emergence emerged after two explosions in Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant .Tens of thousands of people were evacuated from the vicinity. Technicians were struggling to prevent a reactor meltdown and people leaving the area were checked for signs of contamination. For nearly a week, a number of explosions have led to a release of radiation on a number of occasions.

The world is reacting with shock at the huge quake and tsunami that has devastated Japan. Goverments send rescued teams to Japan to help search for the survival and excavate the dead. China, which country has been invaded by Japan and killed millions of people in the history, also send a 15-person search-and-rescue team and $4.5 million worth of rescue materials to Japan to help.

On March 17, a week after the disaster, rescued team from America, England, German have leaved the disaster area already and planned to fly back home. Astralian government said the search for the survivers have already ended, there is no need to stay. However, rescued team from China still stays and help with local people.

"I want to use today's opportunity to extend our deep condolences over the lost lives in this disaster and express our sincere sympathy to the Japanese people." Wen Jiabao said, who is China's Premier. "China is also a country that is prone to earthquake disasters, and we fully empathize with how Japanese feel now." He added.

Millions of Chinese have clicked on links to "Pray for Japan." And a video has been posted online with words of encouragement for Japan to "be strong" from the victims of the Sichuan earthquake.

The deads left the world behind, but we are still here. There is no need to carry a sad stone in our heart because of their leaving, a smile and courage instead will be the most valuable treasure we gain from them.